Shred Report

January 11, 2009


Filed under: 30 day shred, celiac, couch to 5k, history — Tags: , , , — Jules @ 6:32 pm

I’m 25, and have been pretty skinny for the past three or four years, which is a combination of starting Strattera and having undiagnosed celiac disease. I was down to almost unhealthily skinny for a bit, which I didn’t mind after spending most of my adolescence a bit overweight. (My top weight ever was 165, and I’m 5’2″, but I usually was around 155.) Of course, looking back at pictures from my skinniest period is rather scary. I was not well, and it was obvious. 

I didn’t stay at the extreme skinniness for long, and settled into a nice weight of between 125 and 130. A little more than I really wanted, but I was happy with it. Of course, I got nearly no exercise and didn’t feel healthy. (Though all my blood work is completely perfect and there’s nothing wrong with me that a gluten free diet doesn’t take care of.) 

Then the Jewish holidays came and I went to my step mother’s where she fed me way too much food and I put on like 10 pounds. I came home determined to start an exercise program and started Couch to 5k which I liked a lot, until about week four, where I had to run five minutes straight. At that point it began to be too much for me, and I got discouraged. I did like running a lot, and I want to get back into that again, but I’ve always been terrified of running due to bad knees to begin with, so I figure it’s better for me to get a bit more fit before starting that again.

So I found the 30 Day Shred and I’m going to be doing it for the next thirty days, come hell or high water. I hope.

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